Mosquito Module 3 (Mosq3)
“The World’s Most Dangerous animal”
We’ve all learned to live with the risk of catching a disease, and it is not easy. In many places in the world, mosquitoes spread germs (including viruses and parasites) and people have to prevent getting the diseases these germs cause. Malaria is a tropical disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes.
A lot of effort is put into preventing people from getting malaria by protecting them from mosquitoes. Pupils will discuss how to socially distance from a mosquito, what methods of prevention could be used, and will explore how mosquitoes develop ‘tricks’ (adaptations) to avoid our control measures.
And don’t forget about our accompanying borrow boxes and Common Question cheatsheet for common questions from pupils.
Module guide:
Teachers, grab the Mosquito 3 Module Guide. This contains all information you’ll need including how the module fits in with Curriculum for Excellence and all the module ANSWERS!
Worksheets & Slides:
All our videos are hosted on
Diagnosing Malaria Tutorial
This video pairs with our Mosq 3 “borrow box” and is a tutorial for teachers wanting to run the “Diagnosing Malaria” activity with their class.
Alternatively, videos can be downloaded as a single file here: